
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2018

English language challenges

Wow this is my last post in the English class, I don’t know what I feel for that, maybe it’s amazing because we are very close to the holidays, but really one of my must important feel, is I’m so happy, because I can learning a lot in this English. First I would like to talk about my experience in the English class, in special, in level 4, because the other level I was have taken in other faculty, with other career, from the medical area. This level has been a new experience for me, because I can meet new people, and other form to English, maybe with different focus. For other part, I think the blogger is a great idea for learn English, because you can expressed and thinking, all the time when you write in your post. One of the aspect I need to improve in my English is the use of connector and learn more words, one form to learn this is hearing and speaking this language, maybe watching series, or trip to other country alone, this last one I think is the best idea, but first

Changes to my study programme

First I would like to talk about my faculties and my career. Now I’m study Physical therapy in north faculty of medicine, it’s so different to this faculty (Juan Gomez Millas), because, has very few green areas and space to share. About my career you can find the best teachers in the different area of physical therapy and is the best in compare to other universities. The curriculum of this career I like allot, but have some problem, for example don’t have a bouquet about psychology, and I think is very important that the student of this career know about this area, we treated with person who had very much problem and one how physical therapist, have to hear and be able to understand them and thus help them to move forward. This is one think I gonna like to change in the curriculum, besides eliminating some branches that I find useful to us. Another think I would like to talk is the workload, since I find that there is a lot of burden assigned to us during all the years, and all da

Summer plans

Summer, the most anticipated date of the year, some people like the weather, but the reason it is the most anticipated date of the year is because of the holidays. First I would like to talk about where I would like to go, and one of this place is south of Chile, for example Chiloe, Frutillar, Ranco, torres del paine, etc. I really would like to go, because have an amazing view, and fabulous trekking, were you can feel and enjoy the nature. Other part I would like to go is Southeast Asian, for example Indonesia, Tailandia, Camboya, etc. this trip is one of my dream trip, but I would like to realize when I finish the university and recollect some money, because you need at least 2 month to enjoy and can travel for all part of Southeast Asian. To this summer I don’t know what I gonna do, but I know I going to enjoy a lot with my cousins and my friends, but in special with one cousin, because he have a travel to Europe (Spain) in February for one year. I really would like to go