English language challenges

Wow this is my last post in the English class, I don’t know what I feel for that, maybe it’s amazing because we are very close to the holidays, but really one of my must important feel, is I’m so happy, because I can learning a lot in this English.

First I would like to talk about my experience in the English class, in special, in level 4, because the other level I was have taken in other faculty, with other career, from the medical area. This level has been a new experience for me, because I can meet new people, and other form to English, maybe with different focus. For other part, I think the blogger is a great idea for learn English, because you can expressed and thinking, all the time when you write in your post.

One of the aspect I need to improve in my English is the use of connector and learn more words, one form to learn this is hearing and speaking this language, maybe watching series, or trip to other country alone, this last one I think is the best idea, but first you need to catch a lot of money or trip with a working holidays programs, to can realized this.  I think, in the future, want to go to Australia, and work there to catch money, and maybe can live there for one year, and the same time learn English.

For finish this post, I have to talk about my experience or the time I use English outside to the university (English class). For be honest, I don’t use to much this language outside to the university, sometime I try to think in English or talk alone, only to practice, because I think this language is so important and all the people have to learn this.


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