
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2019

My future job

First I would like to start telling about the experiences I had this year 2018 with regard to my future, I joined a foundation called Andes Magico, which is a foundation that works with people in situations of disability, and rehabilitates and integrates the community in a special way, what is this way? The sport. Andes Magico began in the 90s with a person named Mario Fernandez, who dedicated his life to being a ski instructor, one day doing his job he realized that he was not contributing much to society and realized that he wanted to start doing ski lessons for people in a situation of disability, and thus tried hard to achieve it, with the support of various sponsors. This foundation was growing and was integrating different outdoor sports, and finally I am like this, Magical Andes, sport for adapted people (outdoors). This year as I said before I joined this foundation and I had the best experience of my future with respect to what I study, mixing pathologies of subjects wit


I would like to leave this post saying that it is a very difficult topic to talk about, because my indecision sometimes does not allow me to choose what to eat since I like almost all things, if I had to choose a dish to eat I would be first among the food from four countries, Peru, Italy or Japan and the United States. First we have Peru, where we have dishes with quite elaborate and very spicy, of which we can find the ceviche, the cause, among others. In Italy we look more at the masses or pastas, where we find different varieties of noodles as well as gnocchi and lasagna. In Japan we look at sushi and finally in the United States, we go more towards junk food, hamburgers. Another very important topic for me is cooking, how to develop magic and love in a plate of food. Cooking I find that it is a unique moment where one can express and demonstrate that. For what I love to cook. In university, as everyone knows, eating a healthy diet is not so easy, but what I try to do is

A Country id like to viti

First I would like to tell you that I have been very fortunate so far to be able to know several countries, but even so I would love to be able to continue living these incredible opportunities that life gives you. Traveling is one of the things that I like to do the most, to be able to travel and to know other countries, other cultures and other languages I love. Now following a bit with the idea, I would love to be able to travel to India, and know a little about this culture and its beliefs, as well as to know a little more about the practice of yoga and all its benefits. Since I was a kid I have loved sports and I am also very hyperkinetic, and I find that yoga works a lot in these two areas, it focuses on practice and helps calm the mind and soul. I find that it is a sensational country in terms of culture and food, as it is very different from what we commonly do here in Chile.